Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rejection: and how to deal with it

Rejection is something that's difficult no matter how many times you are faced to deal with it. I have been so fortunate that many have supported my work and raised my confidence in my art. Recently, I've had to deal with the old familiar feeling of disappointment in my art, when others feel it isn't up to par.

glasses sketchbook ideas art drawings inspiration
Artists can be the most interesting, weird, creative, and enjoyable people you meet. They can also be the most pretentious. It takes all sorts to make up the world, the art world is not excluded from this. That's not to say that anyone who doesn't enjoy my work is pretentious or wrong. There are so many different styles of art and different aesthetic tastes out there. You simply are not going to make everyone happy. The important thing is to make sure you are happy with the work you are producing. Just because juror did not like the aesthetic appeal I went for, doesn't mean it doesn't catch the fancy of someone else.

I find myself in a field where rejection is just as common as praise. Being a sensitive person, I often wonder if this life is really worth the self-questioning that comes with each lashing remark against my work, my passion, my creative babies. It's hard not to take it personal when you put so much of yourself into what you love.

My pattern of dealing with rejection is get sad, and then get salty. Now maybe the salty part isn't the best piece of advice. It is however, the way it goes. I've tried to harness these feelings for the better by using them as motivation for improvement in my art. If they don't like your craft, just show them you can do better.

I decided to respond to this by starting a new sketchbook. That way I could come up with better ideas and motivate myself to be even better. I cannot stress how important it is to keep one of these, especially since I have recently fallen off of the bandwagon of keeping my thoughts written down. I found the by buying a much more compact sketchbook, one that actually fits in my tiny purse, I am more apt to bring it everywhere with me. Don't just restrict your sketchbook to doodles. Write down inspirational words, or thoughts. I often find myself picking up little trinkets I find on the ground. By bringing tape along wherever you go, or by making little pockets in your sketchbook, you can keep your little knick knacks with you. I sometimes find these little treasure to be the most beautiful things in my sketchbook, and often invoke the most thought.

Remember, you cant make everybody happy, so focus on making sure that YOU are happy with your art. That's why it's YOUR art. Use any critique as an opportunity to improve and motivate yourself. Always approach life from the view as a student, and you will always continue to grow. How do you deal with rejection? What ways do you harness your creative motivation?~

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A brisk chill

The weather has been getting better and better. I hope the same goes for you where ever you are reading from. I can smell the winds starting to usher spring in. I was however grateful that it was just chilly enough to wear my new cardigan duster that just arrived in the mail. Thank you Shopruche

It was simply perfect for a brisk chill. I hope it carries me the last few chilly weeks until Winter finally comes to a close. Stay cozy lovelies.~

Friday, February 21, 2014

Spring is on it's way

There is always that swell in your chest when you breath in fresh air, and can almost taste the season changing. It wasn't until just yesterday that I felt it. Spring is coming. I had begun to fear that it's arrival would never come. This winter has been a hard and wearing one. The Arctic Vortex lashed out, and his reach made it all the way to Florida! So just imagine how it was being in the Midwest; a place already known for it's harsh and varied seasons. My college even canceled classes two days in a row this winter. Now for those of you who know EIU, this is no small thing. They NEVER cancel classes.
kale plant spring sprout new

Now, I am a huge lover of colder weather. Sweaters, scarves,  hot teas, apple cider, blankets, and stay in to snuggle are all some of my most cherished things. That being said, this winter has pushed me to my cold loving limits. The winter blues have set in, and not that I smell spring in the air, I cannot wait to see the little heads of new flowers poke their heads up to meet the world.~

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Critique me

I'm no stranger to critiques. Either in a professional setting, or in a more personal level. One of my goals with this blog is to use it as a tool for motivation. A means to continue my creative thought even when I don't have professors giving me deadlines. In order to instill this motivation, I need your help. In fact, I'm asking for it.
fashion sweater buttons

I cannot express how wonderful the support has been. I hope that my ramblings have mused you in some way. I care about my readers thoughts and opinions, for you guys are my motivation, the whole reason I started this blog. Now it's time to hear from you! What is it you like about the blog? Or more specifically, what could I do to make it better? What do you want to hear more of? What did you feel wasn't working? What ideas do you have to bring to the blog? Feel free to share the comment love! For those who are a little stage shy, feel free to email me your thoughts and ideas. Thank you lovelies~

Our family just got bigger!

Today Andy and I welcome a new soul into our household. Dovahkiin the leopard gecko made her way to our home, and quickly into our hearts. I had been hurting to have a pet for a long time now. I grew up having pets all my life, until I moved away to college that is, and it's in my nature to mother. As fate would have it, Dova needed a new home.

family portrait gecko leopard gecko pet
Family Portrait

A friend of ours just graduated, and got a job in Chicago. Considering the long move, small apartment, and colder climate, he thought it best for Dova(then named Hugo) to find a new home. Andy and I were hasty to jump on the opportunity when he offered. It could not have worked out better!
gecko leopard gecko pet

I think Dova is one of the most beautiful geckos I've ever seen, but I may be biased haha. We are overjoyed to share our home and hearts with this little gal. She will be well loved. ~
gecko leopard gecko pet black and white

Monday, February 17, 2014

Art makes you crazy

I'll have to keep this brief. I'm very short on time today, but I don't want to leave my readers without any content. I've found that art has taken me to many wonderful places, as well as into the lives of incredible people.

That being said, there are also times where art has nearly driven me insane. Most artists can relate to being wrapped up in their own head. Whether they are trying to get the creative out, or they are stuck muddling over a solution to the problem they face with their creations. One of the reasons I love working with metal so much is, that when I become frustrated enough, I can give it a toss across the room, and it's not completely destroyed.
bird feet art casting cast sprue wax reuse

Just to help this hit home, I went so far as to cut off the feet of a dead bird for my art.( I promise it was already dead!) Art will take you incredible places, and test you in ways that you never thought you could rise to meet.

Stress not, these little hiccups are just one factor to seeing the world in a beautiful way. At least you are in touch enough to have things to contemplate over, instead of the sitting and staring. I find many just sit and stare now-a-days.~

Where has your art taken you? Where have your adventures taken you? Share in what ways you have risen to the challenge in ways that made you surprise yourself.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The spotlight is on

I've been debating over how soon was too soon to share my art on here. I have this fear of being perceived as narcissistic; which in hindsight is almost unavoidable in having a blog. There will always be critics, and I don't have time to waste fearing what other people think. That being said, I do hope you enjoy my little creations.~

paisley brooch malachite copper nugold nickle art
paisley brooch malachite copper nugold nickle art

This is my first truly creative child. I created this playful brooch by deconstructing a paisley patter, and then reassembling it in a more dynamic composition; so that it may be displayed from any angle.
paisley brooch malachite copper nugold nickle art
Miranda Mauk, Paisley Brooch, Nu-gold Nickel Copper Malachite, 2012

cicada cast nugold pin brooch art rustic rough
cicada cast nugold pin brooch art rustic roughI am most inspired by the beauty that I see straight from nature. One of my artistic goals is to capture that raw beauty in any way that I can. Often times I find beauty in things that some find adverse, but in this fellow here, capturing what was once considered 'disgusting' in metal, now persuades others to take a closer look at whats around them.
cicada cast nugold pin brooch art rustic rough
Mianda Mauk, Cicada, Nu-gold, 2014
ring sterling silver peridot art organic beautiful sleek Now, it is never my intent to seem boastful, but this truly is my creative cultivation. This is one of my first loss wax cast rings. I used a blackening agent to enhance the depth of the trench. I love rough and organic forms, so I chose to lightly scuff the body of the ring to give it a matte finish. I high polished the rootlike webbing in order to draw the viewers eye to the stone cradled in the trench. I left a polished non-oxidized background behind the peridot in order for it's true color to shine through. 
ring sterling silver peridot art organic beautiful sleek

ring sterling silver peridot art organic beautiful sleek
Miranda Mauk, Entrenched, Sterling silver Peridot, 2014

One of the most gratifying things as an artist is to openly have your art accepted and appreciated. I create art to make things that I personally find beautiful and appealing. When others admire the same beauty in your creations, the human connection is one of the gifts that art provides. The connection of shared admiration of beauty. I was fortunate enough to have my confidence in my art restored when my ring was chosen to be the cover for Blue Room magazine; the magazine for the art department of EIU. I cannot express how elated I am to have been honored with the cover, especially with all the great submissions it was chosen from. Here's hoping this isn't my only success in the art world.~
ring sterling silver peridot art organic beautiful sleek antler magazine cover
What are some of your own creations you feel proud of? Feel free to comment and share your creative creations.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

La Premiere Etape

Hello friends. It's only my second week into blogging, and I already find myself falling off the band wagon. Don't fear; it's not for lack of motivation. My weeks have only seemed to be getting bussier. Now that I find myself with free time, and art inspiration under my belt, I must share with you all the wonderful art I beheld at the 'La Premiere Etape' art show this past weekend.

the vault old building art co-op

stairs patterns fun Immediatly upon arrival, I was taken in with the charm of the venue. The Vault is a privately owned collective of independent artists residing in what was once an old small town bank. They not only house handmade goods and fine art peices for sale, but it can also be rented out for shows and events. Those who work there welcome artists and art lovers with open arms.~I even walked away with a print~ It didn't take long at all for me to feel like it was a home away from home.
sketchbook wine art show Jenna Linder deserves so much credit for organizing and putting on such a wonderful show. The vibe was lively and the food was fanstastic. I think I may have eaten two meals worth of brie, bread and wine. Six artists from Eastern Illinois University featured their works of art; inspired by their stay in Paris, France over the summer. I found the most charming part of the whole exhibit to be the sketchbooks they kept during their stay.
art art student art show artist

Each sketchbook has was packed with so much personality, and it really made me feel like I experienced the pulse of Paris with them.
I'm so fortunate to have such wonderful and talented friends, who inspire me everyday. After entering the world of art, I don't think I could ever go back to seeing life the same way again. How do your friends inspire you? Thanks for reading darlings.~
friends art artists art show fun

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!!<3

valentines day drinks couple red lips lipstick
Happy Valentine's Day lovelies! I'll keep this brief, since we have a full night ahead. Hold your special someone close, and stay warm and toasty on such a cold day. To those who are single, live each day with the excitement that is may be the day you meet that special someone, or maybe realize that they've been there all along. What adventures did you have Valentine's day? Feel loved and sleep well.
red lips lipstick fashion

Friday, February 7, 2014

The sweet-tooth of a queen

It isn't too often you find yourself with a wizard living next door. Let alone a kitchen wizard. I have tasted many delicacies in my life, but it wasn't until we moved into Carlyle that my sweet tooth got a little bit classier thanks to my delightful neighbor Dave. Since first meeting him, he has done nothing but impress with his culinary skills. Dave has been in the food business for a good while, though his skill spans to all sorts of talents in the kitchen.

macaroon macaron lavender vanilla rosewater
Case one, Dave refers to this beauty as 'the pretentious cookie'. Lavender and vanilla Macaron, that's macaron not macaroon, with rosewater icing piped in between.  Only the finest of sorts eat these little beauties with their pinkies held high. Can you see why it's hard to go back to regular Oreo's now?

Following with the lavender trend, Dave created what everyone can see is a true masterpiece in every sense. Lemon bars with blueberry lavender syrup, both made from scratch. Finishing off the scrumptious work of art in true fashion, they syrup is used to paint a scene reminiscent of Starry Night.

lemon bars lavender dessert swirls
The Starry Night lemon bars can be easily understood as art of everyday. I don't mean this in an overly literal meaning, as some may think. It's always possible to put forth the extra care and imagination to create something that you are truly proud of everyday. That is your art, no matter the medium. Whether you are working on a canvas or a baking sheet, make something you can reflect on and be proud of. That is where you find the art in the everyday. Just be careful enough to look for it, and motivated enough to seize it when it comes by. If you approach life with this creative flow, everything in your life will fall into a happier and more expressive place. Take care, and stay warm.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

unwinding in winter

wet hair unwinding
After being sick all last week, and my chest still rattling in recovery, having classes called off due to snowfall, that was nearly one sixth of my entire heighth, was welcomed. I usually find myself restless with the winter blues on snow days, but these past two days were quite the exception. Sipping on green tea and taking hot bubble baths are usually pleasures that I don't have the time to savor. I am also blessed to have some of the most wonderful and talented people I have ever know as neighbors. Good company was only about seventeen cold trudging footsteps away. I found that laughter and impromptu dance parties are the best way to keep the cold at bay.
These much needed days of rest were taken full advantage of. Sometimes in a world full of doing, taking the time to properly unwind can be one of the things that needs to be place at the top of your to-do list. Take the time to be thoughtful to what your body needs, as well as was it is you feel you need to accomplish for the day. Although I owe thanks for the break to the snow that has fallen, I find myself missing spring. I cannot wait to see the first flowers poke their heads out to say hello.(Vine photo credit here)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Start of Something Grand

First post, and I couldn't be more excited and overwhelmed. This blog has been years in the making; in my mind at least. I have spent many hours searching the internet, hopping from blog to blog, finding every diy tutorial and healthy recipie using feta I could click my way to. Many times the thought of creating my own place for crafts, styling, and late night posts fuled by frustrations; has crossed my mind.
sweater fashion

Bare with me. My current status is blogging novice. I haven't even kept a journal in over three years. This blog is an adventure into continuing to exceresise my creativity muscle. I find myself and a turning point in my life. I've been in the educational system ever since I could remember. Now, I'm entering my last semester of college. My main goal is to document my life, and the art that I try to find in the everyday. I hope that these little snippets of my life provide you with some inspiration and please feel free comment and help create this site into an outlet to share your inspirations too. So open your eyes and look for the art in your everyday.
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