Thursday, September 25, 2014

It All Comes Around

Karma is a real thing.
While working at the coffee shop,
I helped a few customers, who were short a few cents,
by fishing out the remainder out of
my tip jar.

I always believe it comes back around.
Sure enough, after complimenting
my friend John on his tie,
he rush out and returned with
some of the most delightful vintage ties
I had ever see! 

~Yes, those are real feathers on that tie.~
He told me they were for my fiancé to wear
so that we could look classy for a night out.

Shortly after that,
another regular, Curt walked in
and showed me the most incredible pieces of turquoise
only to tell me that they were a gift.

But wait, there's more.
Not pictured is a book of Renoir postcards
to send to friends and family.
This was a gift from my dear friend Don.

I am so very fortunate to have such wonderful
friends and customers surround me 
in my life. 

Receiving these material items wasn't karma's
way of showing how it all balances out,
it's showing that if you are kind enough to put 
another person in the forefront of your thoughts,
maybe someone else will do the same.

It all comes around~

Monday, September 22, 2014

Carry On

Andy and I are still emotionally exhausted
from the loss of Grandma Hannabelle.
We celebrated her life with 
friends and family,
and began to heal.

Looking through pictures
of her younger years made me
admire her grace in a whole new way.

She was a talented artist as much
as she was a hollywood beauty.

 Just look at this stunning still from her wedding day.

I received one of her handkerchiefs
as a keepsake.
I will forever cherish it,
and through it,
Hannabelle will still be
apart of our wedding day~ 

Thursday, September 18, 2014


If I were to create a religion about how to live a happy life,
it would be based around oversized sweaters.

This time of year brings a swell of joy to my chest,
and it has done well to inspire many pretties from the studio.
Autumnal tones, and visceral lines
are filling the designs in the pages of my notebook.

I thought I'd share one of my finished creations.
It's easy to see that the ring was much inspired
by the outfit I wore and the mood of the day.
Stay tuned for a post 
about the ear studs
that have been in the works.

Go grab yourself something
warm to drink, and breathe in
the scent of a changing season~

This guy is available for purchase.
Email for details if interested.
~much love

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Somber Start

After a restless night and a full days work,
Andy and I suffered a loss in our family.
We managed to make the best of what we were given,
and smiled through most of day.
I can't help but linger
on the thought of mortality,
and with however many years I am to have,
I'm so glad I get to spend the remaining with him.

"Nothing ever
goes away until
it teaches us
what we need to
-Pema Chodron

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Here's a curve ball for you.
I love Mondays.
Garfield would be ashamed,
but let me explain.
Mondays, one of my few days off, 
which I still spend filled with things to do.
Mondays, I get to work along side my fellow creatives in the studio.
Mondays, I get to unwind with yoga at six.
Mondays, the day that says here I come weekend.
Prepare yourself!
~love always 

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Some frames from what you missed during my break

My Dova~
Leopard gecko, Dovahkiin,
Josie at the beach. Ah to be a child again.
Dave loves all things phallic. 
jewelry, handmade, art, homemade,
New creations~
The neighbor leaves a sweet surprise!
Birthday need fire pits.
leopard gecko
Dova got a new room in her house.
Dog, cute, mutt
studio, art, metalsmithing, metalsmith, smithing, jewelry, jeweler, handmade jewelry
Back in the studio

jewelry, handmade jewelry, wire, wire wrap, fluorite, rings, sunflowers, New Girl
Flowers from my honey, New Girl, and making rings.
much love

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Be Still

farm, homestead, dream
farm, garden, growing, vegetable, dirt, grow
time stands still
best in moments that look 
suspiciously like
ordinary life~

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


nature, double exposure, art, portrait, girl

Ok guys, let's try this again.
I've done some soul searching and I've decided to take new direction with my life and the blog.
I hope you enjoy all that there is to come.
Start by checking out the new about me page.
~much love
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